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Count down to exams begins....REVISION TIP!

Sarah King

Revision tip No.1- MAKE A PLAN.... AND THEN START!....

1- IDENTIFY- It is important to first identify areas of weakness. Look through your contents page, look at your tests and mocks. What was it that you couldn't answer or got completely wrong. Now set out sessions to tackle these.

2- TIMETABLE- Intersperse the ones that fill you with dread with nicer ones that will require less brain power. That way you will get the trickier ones done but also, just around the corner, you'll know there will be some light relief!

But most of all .....

3- START- If you start plugging away at your revision (and revise effectively) you will make HUGE progress. Be determined! Honestly I can tell you from experience it will pay off! I have had students go from achieving 1's (E's) in their yr 10 end of topic tests to a 5(C) in their exam (2 grades above their target) and students who have improved AS grades of D's to A's through sheer grit and hard graft (and obviously an exceptional teacher 😜)

Note- Remember it is likely that this timetable will evolve as you go. Eg you may realise that you need to go back to basics and make sure that you understand covalent bonding before you can understand what is a 'saturated hydrocarbon is'.)

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